Media | Brunette Machinery Company

Serving the North American forest industry for over 75 years

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8717 - 132nd Street
Surrey, British Columbia
Canada, V3W 4P1
Phone: (604) 522-3977


Posts Tagged ‘Media’

Read About Our RTL in Canadian Forest Industries Magazine

Monday, June 3rd, 2019

Our patented Retract-to-Load (RTL) Log Singulator reduces maintenance costs and offers tighter log gap control. Check out the write-up Infeed Systems published in the May/June 2019 Canadian Forest Industries magazine.

More details about the RTL Log Singulator can be found in the Equipment section of this website.

Magazine Image


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Talking Trade

Wednesday, February 13th, 2019

Have you read February 2019 issue of National Hardwood yet? Check out their Trade Talk section for the latest Brunette Machinery news! We recently completed an equipment installation at Toney Lumber in North Carolina and talked to National Hardwood about it. Click the image below to read the article in their current digital issue.

National Hardwood Spread image

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