Machinist | Brunette Machinery Company

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Posts Tagged ‘Machinist’

Prince George Senior Breaks Record

Tuesday, August 31st, 2021

Prince George’s Tuomas Ukonmaanaho, 76, a BC Masters Athlete, participated in the Greyhounds Multi Event at Bear Creek Park Athletics Centre in Surrey, BC on August 7th and 8th, 2021.

In this year’s competition, Ukonmaanaho broke the record for the men’s BC decathlon in the 75-79 year-old category by more than 2,000 points and the Canadian record by more than 200 points.

Ukon Tom, as he is known, worked as a machinist for Brunette Machinery in our Prince George facility for 39 years. He then continued to work for a few years on contract doing our outside line boring jobs.

Congratulations, Tuomas! Keep on smashing those records! We are rooting for you!

Read an article about Ukon Tom’s accomplishments in track & field published in the Prince George Citizen newspaper.

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