HIt to Miss | Brunette Machinery Company

Serving the North American forest industry for over 75 years

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Posts Tagged ‘HIt to Miss’

The Race is On

Thursday, September 1st, 2022

The excitement is building in Prince George, BC for the PGARA’s long weekend demolition race.  On Saturday and Sunday, Sept 3 & 4, the Prince George Auto Racing Association (PGARA) Speedway Park will be hosting their popular Hit to Pass event. For those who don’t know what a Hit to Pass race is, well, it’s exactly like it sounds. You race your car around the track as fast as you can — only to move ahead of another car, you must hit it in order to pass it. The last car running is the winner!

Speedway Park’s 37-year-old track was repaved this past June and drivers are keen to rev up their motors. One of those drivers is our own Chad from Brunette Prince George.

Starting work on the racing trucks
Practice run — they’re ready!

Chad had planned to enter the annual demolition race last year, but it was cancelled due to the pandemic. But, this year, the race is on! Chad and his team spent many hours refurbishing their trucks to the Association’s specifications. They are built for speed and ready to go!

Come cheer on the team at the PGARA Speedway Park’s Hit to Pass Mayhem this weekend. It’s sure to be a “smashing” good time! Check out their interview on CKPG Today. Click the image below to view the TV spot.

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