In the News
We’re in the news again! Read these two short pieces in the November/December issue of CFI magazine featuring Brunette Machinery.
In October 2018, we exhibited at the the 2018 TP&EE show in Portland, Oregon where we brought along two BIG machines — one of our Brunette Drum Chippers and the new CBI Magnum Force grinder. Check out the write-up in the magazine’s spotlight on 15 booths at the show that showcased the latest top-of-the-line equipment for the forestry industry.
There is also a short item about our Flare Butt Reducer in the same issue — read it here.
And if you missed the feature story on Carrier Lumber in the hardcopy of CFI magazine, you can read it in Wood Business, the online reach of Canadian Forest Industries magazine. It is a great article on Carrier Lumber’s Tabor sawmill and it mentions their most recent project — building the Brunette RTL (retract-to-load) Log Singulator.